29 million people have taken an Alpha course.
Alpha is an opportunity to explore the teachings of Jesus in a relaxed setting over ten thought-provoking weekly sessions (1x/week) and a day or weekend away. Each night includes dinner, a talk, then small group discussion time.

It's OK, you can't shock us.
Alpha is a place where no question is seen as too simple or too hostile. During the discussion, everyone is welcome to contribute their opinions. Questions might include: Is there a God? Why am I here? Why would a loving God send anyone to hell? Why does God allow suffering?

In a word, Yes.
All are welcome regardless of nationality, religious background, or viewpoints. Many guests have never been to church, others may have attended church occasionally but feel they have never really understood the basics of the Christian faith. Everyone is welcome.

Does it cost anything?
There is no charge for attending the Alpha course. We ususally put out a basket if anyone wants to give to help offset the cost of the meals, but no one is required to give and no container is passed around.

A typical night on Alpha:
Each night, everyone spends about 30 minutes eating dinner together. Then there is a short talk which looks at a different aspect of the Christian faith each week. This is followed by a time of discussion in small groups, where everyone is welcome to contribute their opinion and ask questions. People usually stay in the same small groups for the duration of the course so they can get to know each other, continue discussions and deepen friendships. The emphasis is upon exploration and discovery in a relaxed and informal environment.
Find out more about Alpha at alpha.org

Alpha is starting again February 20, 2024! The course will be held at 944 First Street in LaSalle.