Series Description

Bad.With Money.

Money knows no morality. It can be used for something extraordinarily positive or devastatingly negative. For most of us, we make some bad decisions in life. Then we get some money, and it seems to follow those same wrong paths. Is there a way to make sure we aren’t: Bad. With Money?


Bad.With Money. – Foolish. With Money.

Are you foolish with money? Most of us have messed up in our finances in one way or another. How can we put our money where our heart is?







Shrinking the Camel, Stretching the Needle

Four principles that will allow God to make you rich and still enter the kingdom of God.

Money Talks

The things we say about money... and what that says about us.

More from this Series

Week 1
Idolatrous — CAmeron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 2
Foolish — Cameron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 3
Selfish — Cameron Graper

Audio | Talk it Over