Series Description

Hope Week

Hope is the feeling that something good could happen. There isn’t enough of it. What if churches could restore hope to our community? It is possible.


Hope Week 2016

Think about what would happen if a multitude of churches stepped out of their church buildings and into their community. Think about what would happen when people see churches laying aside their differences and joining hands in service to say, “We love this city and we love it’s citizens.”


It will shock the systems of those outside the church. It will bring about HOPE.

It is possible. It is time.


King of the Ring

The Lean Nazarene, The Bethlehem Kid, The Carpenter's Son, The Lion of Judah...Jesus wasn't a weak man. Look at Jesus in light of wrestling and find out if Jesus would be the real King of the Ring.

Turn Down For What

We are heaven's DJ, turn down for what?! Christians need to find their party again!

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Week 1
Hope Week 2016 — Cameron Graper
