Series Description


You've probably encountered a know-it-all. They can get under your skin because in their mind they're never wrong.


Jaded— Know-it-alls

You've probably encountered a know-it-all. They can get under your skin because in their mind they're never wrong.Few people like to be around a know it all, in fact we usually try to escape from them when we see them coming. The worst kind of know-it-all and that is the "Christian" know it all. The Christian know- it-all feels as if its their job to warn you of all the dangers and pitfalls that you're going to walk through in this faith.




In the Face of Fear

Being a Christian creates lots of uncomfortable and even hostile situations in our lives. Learn how to embrace boldness in the face of fear.

Social Notworking

These days people have hundreds of "friends" on multiple social networks but yet studies show our real life relationships are suffering.

More from this Series

Week 1
Know-it-alls — Debbie graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 2
Seen-it-alls — Debbie Graper

Audio | Talk it Over

Week 3
Have-it-alls — Debbie Graper

Audio | Talk it Over