Series Description

Money Don't Grow on Trees

Either we control our money, or our money will control us. Learn how we can master our finances and keep God number one.


Money Don't Grow on Trees — Generosity

God isn't interested in taking our money and He doesn't need it. God isn't after our money, He's after our hearts. Jesus said that where our money is, our hearts are too.


In the Bible we see God was very unimpressed by the amounts of money people gave, but He was extremely moved by the percentage. Jesus said that a widow who only gave a few pennies gave the most, because she gave everything she had. We need to connect our money to God by being generous.



Money Talks

Did you know your money is telling all your dirty little secrets behind your back?


Jesus said we can't serve both God and money. This message explains how we can put up guardrails in our finances.

More from this Series

Week 1
Freedom — Cameron Graper

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Week 2
generosity — Cameron Graper

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Week 3
margin — Cameron graper

Audio | LOW RES Video