Series Description


We live in a world of limitations, but for the Lord, the God of the Bible – nothing is impossible!


Omni — Omnipresent

Sometimes we all feel alone. It's easy to be discouraged and feel like God is far awaywhen things are going wrong. But the Bible says God is closer than we think! In fact, He's always with us!


For some of us the fact that God is always there is an encouragement, but for others it's scary news.




We all have to pick between doors in our lives. Some lead to awesome things and others to awful things. Wouldn't it be great if we could know what's behind the door before we open it?

King of the Ring

The Lean Nazarene, The Bethlehem Kid, The Carpenter's Son, The Lion of Judah...Jesus wasn't a weak man. Look at Jesus in light of wrestling and find out if Jesus would be the real King of the Ring.

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Week 1
Omnipotence — Cameron graper

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Week 2
Omniscient — Cameron graper

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Week 3
Omnipresent — Cameron graper

Audio | Talk it Over PDF